Photon Creative Discovery and Redesign

Crafting a User-Centric Digital Experience for a
Leading Tech Innovator

Role: UI/UX Designer
Industry: Technology Solutions, B2B
Device: Responsive Web
Year: 2023
Photon Case Study


In my capacity as a UI/UX Designer, I played a crucial role in the redesign of Photon's website, a leading digital solutions provider with a global footprint. The project aimed to enhance the digital interface to accurately reflect Photon's philosophy: "We build relationships, not just products." Over the course of 3 months, I contributed to all stages of the redesign process, ensuring that the new website would serve as a powerful communication tool for the brand's core values, services, and commitment to its clients.


The project's key objectives were:
1. Craft a user-centric website that extends beyond the corporate deck, providing in-depth insights into Photon's services for potential clients.

2. Reinforce Photon's ethos, "We build relationships, not just products," through the website's content and design.

3. Streamline the user journey for enhanced engagement and ease of navigation.

4. Accentuate Photon's role as a pioneer in digital innovation and strategy.


A primary challenge was to enrich the Photon website with content that went beyond the corporate sales pitch, offering potential clients comprehensive information post their initial engagement. Another key aspect was to infuse the website with Photon's ethos of building lasting relationships. This meant creating a platform that not only displayed Photon's technical expertise but also highlighted its commitment to nurturing strong, long-term partnerships with clients, resonating with the tagline, "We build relationships, not just products."


1. Information Architecture Overhaul: Refined the website structure for intuitive user navigation and content accessibility.

2. User-Centric Design: Developed personas and journey maps to customize the experience for each visitor segment.

3. Enhanced Content Strategy: Augmented the site with value-driven content to establish Photon's thought leadership and showcase their commitment to meaningful relationships.

3. Consistent Visual Identity: Maintained a cohesive look and feel across the website to strengthen brand recognition and user trust.

The Process


Engagement Model & User Personas: Developed detailed personas and mapped out their journeys using a 'Lean Forward with Micro Lean Back Elements' model.


Updated Information Architecture: Refined the site's structure to align with user needs and business goals.


Feature Prioritization: Focused on critical features that would enhance the user experience and meet strategic goals.


Creative & Strategic KPIs: Set KPIs to gauge the effectiveness of the redesign in terms of brand identity, thought leadership, conversion rates, and talent acquisition.


Mockup Revisions: Worked on multiple mockup revisions, focusing on the home page, case study template, sales landing page, careers page, and services page.


Understanding the audience

Detailed user personas were developed to encapsulate the varied facets of Photon's audience. These personas informed every design decision, ensuring that each feature resonated with the users' expectations and needs, thereby crafting a more personalized and impactful user journey.

The journey maps provided a visual storyline of the user's experience, from initial contact to long-term engagement. These maps were instrumental in pinpointing key touchpoints for optimization, ensuring that every interaction on the website was purposeful and enhanced the user's journey.

Updated Information Architecture

The redesigned information architecture became the blueprint for Photon's digital presence. By restructuring the content flow, we established a coherent and intuitive path that guides users through Photon's narrative and services, ensuring that the company's wealth of information was both accessible and engaging.

Feature prioritization and defining KPI's

Focused on critical features that would enhance the user experience and meet strategic goals. Set KPIs to gauge the effectiveness of the redesign in terms of brand identity, thought leadership, conversion rates, and talent acquisition.

High Fidelity Mockups

Worked on multiple mockup revisions, focusing on the home page, case study template, sales landing page, careers page, and services page. The final home page design presented a clean, modern interface with interactive elements to facilitate easy navigation and encourage user engagement. It was a blend of functional simplicity and compelling content, designed to resonate with users and invite deeper exploration.

Final Thoughts

The Photon website redesign project stands as a beacon of how strategic design can enhance user experience and communicate a company's dedication to building lasting relationships. My role as a UI/UX Designer was central to creating a platform that not only met the functional needs but also carried the essence of Photon's brand identity and values, propelling the company forward in its digital journey.